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BARRC is run solely on a volunteer basis.  We have no paid employees and are not government funded. Your donation is greatly appreciated and helps to save animals lives, ensuring they receive the medical care required.

Donations are vital to ensure the continuance of our rescue and the quality of care provided to our animals.

or direct debit


BSB: 633-000

Account: 165 287 657


For monetary donations please email us at for a tax invoice – we are a registered charity, all donations over $2 are tax deductible.


You may prefer to donate items which can be delivered to Pet City in Bunbury. Items welcomed are:
• Pet food
• Pet Toys
• Collars/Leads/Harnesses/Jackets
• Pet Beds/Feed bowls/Pet crates and carriers
• Clean, washable blankets

For collection of larger items such as pet playpens, kennels, etc, please contact BARRC directly.

Note: We DO NOT accept doonas, pillows and cushions.

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Donate through Containers for Change

When you recycle with Containers for Change, you get a 10 cent refund for every eligible drink container you return. 

You can choose to donate the refund to BARRC by using our official scheme ID-C10301414

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" you get to decide the legacy you leave " 

There are several ways you can make a bequest. Leaving a small piece of your estate to BARRC will ensure the ongoing care and continued ability to save animals. 

A Percentage Bequest
This type of bequest avoids problems caused by inflation, sale of, or changes to assets. It also ensures that should the value of your estate change, no beneficiary will be unfairly disadvantaged.

A Residual Bequest
A residuary legacy is what is left of your estate after all your other wishes have been carried out and expenses in finalising your estate have been met You may wish to consider to bequeath the residue (balance) of your estate to others, such as BARRC. 

A Specific Bequest
You can specify property, works of art, insurance policies, stocks and shares, jewellery, money, in fact anything of value as your bequest. Property must be fully described so that it's easily recognised. 

We recommend you speak with your solicitor, Public Trustee or will maker for further advice on the process.


Bunbury Animal Rescue Rehome Care Incorporated is a registered charity with a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status. ABN: 80468979087

© 2023 by BARRC inc.

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